Supreme Court Blog

After videos one and two I learned a lot about how the supreme court works and how they operate. The supreme court is the most powerful group on the Earth, the power rests on the public faith. Nine people work together to make decisions and work together to better the Country. We live by a constitution which has been around for 200 years. There has been just over 100 supreme justices, serving an average of sixteen or more years. The authority of the supreme court was weakened for years because they did not have the power to give slave's freedom. This made them less powerful. This was changed because of the civil war. After the civil war it granted voting rights and abolished slavery. This changed a lot of things and made the supreme more powerful than ever.
Experts say that people who wrote the constitution "somehow managed to produce words that actually guide us." The supreme can't act on laws like a senator or a congressman. The supreme court has to wait for the people to bring their problems to the court. When it comes time for the justices to decide on something, they gather in a room by themselves and vote to decide on a case. It is a progress that can take very long, they all have to agree in order for anything to be done. When it comes to the decisions the supreme court makes, people obey their decisions. If the people stopped obeying the constitution then one of the treasures that keep this free-est nation in the world would cease to exist.